Yesterday, 13th of March of 1838, the king Charles Albert divided his power between him and our Parliament in the Italian Peninsula. He has done this because he thinks that our country will work much better if the power is divided. He has achieve it by doing some reformations.
Our king, Charles Albert of Sardinia became officially a constitutional monarch yesterday. He has done this for various reasons. The 1st one is because, as he was exposed to the ideas of the French revolution, he believed that nationalism and liberalism were successful. Also, Charles was a little bit fed up of Austria because they divided our Italian peninsula into 7 states. Our king had got inspiration from Belgium and Greece; two countries that have been successful with nationalism and liberalism. Important figures like Napoleon II, king Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont-Sardinia and his prime minister Cavour have supported our king with this decision.Also, the Risorgimento (which is the social and political movement that is making everyone want a constitution) has helped a lot.

As everyone knows, after the dead of Charles Félix in 1831, Charles Albert became the king of Sardinia. In 1833 and 1834 he repressed an insurrection led by Mazzini but yesterday he promulgated an statute which has divided the power between the monarch and the parliament. After the Milan insurrection, which started a few days ago, he has led the liberal and nationalist movement in the Italian Peninsula and has just declared a war to Austria. We do not know if our king Charles Albert is going to win, but we hope he does. Maybe if he does not win, his son could inherit the throne; we are sure he could be a great king!