Could a young queen reign a country as Spain?
10th of october of 1843
In the age of 13 Isabel II started to reign Spain
Isabel II have just reached the age of majority with 13 years.

She was the daughter of King Fernando VII and his fourth wife, his niece María Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias. It seems to be a period of palace intrigues, back-stairs and antechamber influences, barracks conspiracies, and military pronouncements to further the ends of the political parties.His father is previously marry three times, but none of his wives had children that could happen to him; For that reason, when he was born in 1830, many were hoping for the young Infanta. King Fernando VII, to favor the position of his daughter, to the detriment of his brother Carlos María Isidro, promulgated the Pragmatic Sanction of 1830. Isabella's reign was maintained only through the support of the army. After the Carlist war, the regent, Maria Christina, resigned to make way for Baldomero Espartero, Prince of Vergara, the most successful and most popular Isabelline general. Espartero, a Progressive, remained regent for only two years.
In my opinion its not a good idea to put a girl of just 13 years old to reagin a country that have suffered so much with the civil war, i would made some votations to chose another person with much more experience.