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The end of the First Republic

Today, December 29th of 1874, the first Spanish Republic has been ended.

A military coup has bring back the Bourbons to the power.

One year later of its begin, this republic finally ended. It has been the first republic and the first time that Spain hadn’t got a monarchy as a government form.

It's beginning was when Amadeo I abdicated, the republic was proclaimed because there weren’t any other candidate to be the Spanish King or Queen.

During this year’s republic, there were a lot of problems, such as the third Carlist war or the revolts in Andalucía, Murcia and Levante. The most important problem was the division among the Republicans because they had different republic ideas: one of the groups wanted a federal republic in which Spain were separated into 17 federal states. The other group prefered a unitary republic in which the central government could control all the political and administrative institutions.

These problems have produced insability and because of this, during this last year we have had four different presidents: Castelar, Salmerón, Pi y Margall and Figueras.

The Republicans had been working on a new constitution, but they didn’t have time to approve it, because at the begin of the year, the General Pavia had been entered in the Cortes and were dissolved it, but the real

end was today when the Bourbons came back.

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