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The birth of CNT


A new syndicate has been created

Today, November 1st of 1910, the CNT (Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores or National Confederation of Labour), has been formed in Barcelona, Spain.

This organization is composed by all the anarcho-syndicalist groups. Is a group formed by the Spanish anarchists and it is based in anarchism ideologies. Their principles are opposed to violence; they had exposed their ideas of fight against business and landowners.

The worker conditions were too bad: they have had low wages, the working days have been very long and workers end the days very tired. Sometimes, the workers had illnesses or they suffered accidents, they hadn’t got rights. But, these factors that had harmed workers today will start to disappear. Before CNT, there was an organization that was responsible of solving similar problems, the FTRE (Federación de Trabajadores de la Región Española = Spanish Region Feredation of Workers).

We hope that this new organization that looks for equality among working-class and bourgeoisie, help to obtain the same living conditions and privileges in both social groups.

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