Charles X leaves France due to the big revolts.
On July 31 of 1830, King Charles X left France because there were a lot of revolts due to the approval of various decrees without consulting the Legislative Assembly.
On July 26 Charles X ,Bourbon king of France since 1824, dissolved the chamber of deputies ,suspended freedom of press and also modified the electoral laws so that three quarters of the electorate lost their votes. This led to strikes and protests and after some days they were transformed into armed confrontations. The royal army couldn´t support this, so after three days of fighting (the three glorious days), Charles X was forced to abdicate last week.
Three days ago he left France to go to a safer place. First he left the Château de Saint-Cloud, intending to take refuge at Versailles. However, his family and him were met by revolutionary troops so, they went to the Grand Trianon, and after that, they moved to the Château de Rambouillet on the following day.
As a result, today France is without a king. The assembly is thinking of proposing Louis Philippe of Orleans to be the new king of France. We all expect him to accept to be the king.