Napoleon is crowned emperor!

Napoleon Bonaparte has been declaimed emperor and has unlimited power in France.
Yesterday, the two of december of 1804, our best commander, Napoleon has been declaimed emperor by the Pope in Notre Daim and now the govern will be hereditary. This is thought to be a strategy for avoiding a sabotage so other person can´t take his place.
One of the main reasons of this surprising and sudden ceremony was idea of one of Napoleon's most important counselors, Fouché. He thought that transforming the consulate into an impire would be the best for avoiding posible attacks to Napoleon.
This coronation has came also after the ejecution of the count of enghiem, acused of participating in a complot for killing Napoleon and to return again to the monarchy.
The Pope Pio VII has also attended the ceremony but Napoleon insisted in putting the crown himself. Althought Napoleon didn't wanted to have a catholic marriage the Pope oblied he, and so he did, he married Josefina and he tried people not to know it.
With this coronation France is the main world's powers and a very good future is just waiting us.