The Riego´s military group forced Fernando VII to accept the Constitution of 1812.

After several tries of liberalists to end with absolutism, last week, the 29 of March, the Riego´s military group made Fernando VII to accept the Constitution of 1812.The Constitution of 1812 is caracterised from being a constitutional monarchy, accept male sruffrage, to guarantee rights and freedom and introduce separation of powers.
Rafael de Riego is responsable of a big part of the army, with this power in mind, he forced Fernando VII to accept this revolution by threatening him. This group of liberalist are known as Jailbirds, and they have been persecuted by Fernando for years now; but in the last days, we have seen some differences in this group. We can differenciate to bands, the conservative band, and the extremist band; the conservative band prefers to give more importance to the upper class, and the extremist, the opposite.
We cannot ensure the succed in time of this revolution, or if the Cadiz Cortes agrees this movement, but if they succed it could be the end of absolute monarchy.