Fernando Approves the Constitution again!!

They have passed two days since Fernando VII approved the Constitution of 1812, forced after a military coup.
Two days ago, a military coup leaded by the general Rafael de Riego, took place in Andalucia. Riego and his troops sublebated against the King to reinstate the Constitution of 1812 which was abolished 6 years ago by Fernando.
When the french troops were withdrawed from Spain and Pepe Botella abandoned the throne in 1813, Fernando VII came back from his ``captivity´´ in France to lead Spain. He was named Fernando el Deseado (Fernando the Desired), althought this nickname didn´t last long, when he abolished the Consitution and restored the absolutism people started hating him.
After the restoration of the absolutism with the treaty of Valençai in 1814, Spain suffered numerous crisis. Years passed and Fernando didn´t change. but finally, after 6 years, several coups and a war with the American colonies, a coup succeded.
The revolt leaded by Riego succeded. Riego is a liberal thinker and general, he was born in 1784 in Asturias and was captured during the French invasion in 1808. He started the coup when he and his soldiers were preparing for going to America to sofocate the revolts. His revolt succeded and Fernando was forced to reinstate the Constitution. With this coup, a new liberal period has started in Spain. After the reinstoration of the Constitution, many people are speculating about something, that Fernando has asked for help to the Holy Alliance, of course, this are only speculations, but we should be cautious.