The First Carlist War
The First Carlist War is a war happening in Spain now in 1833, a fight between factions over the succession of the throne.
It is a fight between supporters of Maria Christina, acting for Isabella II of Spain, and Carlos de Borbón (Carlos V). The Carlists support the return to an absolute monarchy. It begins when Fernando VII died and at first it is favorable to the Carlists who defeated the government troops on several occasions.Also worth mentioning is the Royal Expedition, in which the Carlists try unsuccessfully to take Madrid. After 4 years the result of the war was not clear in which it was seen that the balance was inclined towards the Elizabethan side due among others to the support of France and England. The liberal victory in the Battle of the Battle Bridge in Bilbao accelerated the end with the Vergara Agreement agreed by Espartero and Maroto. The military Carlistas in exchange for the acceptance of Isabel obtains the amnesty and the integration in the army with its military graduation. The war is very bloody and counted with thousands of deaths both military and civilians. The defeat of the Carlists did not mean the extinction of their ideas.