The New Constitution has been approved

Today, in the Cortes of Spain, Isabel II has sancionated a new constitution. The constitution is composed by 13 titles, with a total of 77 articles, plus two additionals.
Firstly Maria Cristina promulgated this constitution because Los Liberales Progresistas opposed the regime of La Carta Otorgada of the real statue because they didn’t recognised de principles of the national sovereignty, that’s the reason why they defended the restoration of the 1812 constitution. In 1836 the riot of the farm of San Ildefonso obliged the regent, Maria Cristina, to establish the constitution of 1812. But José María Calatrava, who presided over the progressive government, summoned elections to reform the constitutional text of Cadiz.
This new constitution will be the last one or each time we change the government we must change of constitution. We hope that this day, 8 of June of 1837, will be a beginning of a new era of peace and calm with this new text.