An anti-capitalist book is published.

Yesterday, the day 28 of February 1848, the book of he communist party, written by Engels and Marx, was published in London. It talks about the destruction of capitalism and the implant of a new economic system.
Finally, what was a public secret was revealed, a communist party is going to be created. In the recent years lot of people had expressed their disagree with the capitalism social and economic model and the two of the most important opositors, Karl Marx and Friederich Engels have joined forces and written about a new social model: the communism.
Engels and Marx had stated that following some stages the capitalism would be desturcted. These stages are:
The class struggle: they wanted the low class to win importance. Then they will stablish a little ditatorship.
Communist economy and society: private property will be abolished and that will led to a communist society.
Maybe this is the beggining of a new era.