After the differents tries of writting a new constitution and stablishing a “German unification” the great powers ended with all the hopes of an independent country.
Between 1848 and 1849 the diputees of the Vorparlament that were chosen after thr revolution of march have been discusing in the church of Paulskirche, Frankfurt, about the unification of the deutchs lands and the creation of a new constituion, but it was finally disolved by Austria and Prussia that retired their diputees finishing with any revolutionary hope.
This parliament started after the revolution of March, in which people wanted to finish with the regime of nobles and to stablish a parliament and 831 diputees choosen by the Confederation made the church of Paulskirche their headquarter for discusing about several issues.
The main objective was to make a new country, Germany, and they also wrote the first german constitution, but it was not valid.
The parliament was divided between the right and left wing, ones were more radical and others were conservatives. These divisions made the discusions to advance slower.
There also were several rebelions like the one of the Marxists (that are based on an idea that people are starting to call “Comunism” and the big countries: Austria and Prussia. These two countries are the strongest ones nowadays and they had also finished with some revolutions in Europe. After lot of debates the diputees agreed in a “little Germany” that is under the control of Prussia.
Finally the Parliament was disolved when they offered the crown to Federico Guillermo, but he denied, this finally made Austria and Prussia to retire their diputees and disolved a parliament that was condened to not succeed.